Monday, June 9, 2008

May the planning continue...

Alrighty... I would say let the planning begin but as most of you know I already have started... Here is a picture (sorry for the blurriness) of my wedding planner, two giant books of invitation samples, ring bearer pillow, and two flower girl baskets... this is just a sample of what planning has already been done. I'm thinking about getting a cake from a place in Owensboro called Laval's if anyone knows about this place please let me in on your knowledge! We got the flower girl dresses yesterday because they are in my sister's wedding as well... with pool sashes... and I also was able to order pool sashes for all of the bridesmaids to go with their truffle dresses (which my sister ordered yesterday as well!)... ... As exciting as it is to get this stuff... I must also add that I have been very disappointed in the services I have received from all David's Bridal's more on that at a later date though...

It really is wedding time... here are a list of the people that I know so far that have gotten married since I graduated... and the list will only get longer... Congrats to:
May 10 - Darrick and Kat Holloman
May 17 - Emily and Dusty Snyder... Crystal and Jordan Floyd... and... Chris and Sarah Adkins
May 24 - Mandy and Korey Oliver... Amber and Seth Moore
May 31 - Shawn and Amanda Greenwell
June 7 - Tiffany and Patrick Donahue... Kristen Caudill (this makes me a bad neighbor... I have no idea who you married!)

But like I said the list will go on!

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