Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Andrew David Figg!!!

Yesterday we helped celebrate my baby cousin Andrew's 1st Birthday... He went from a dark headed baby to a blonde little boy... in my opinion the cutest little boy I've ever seen! I know he had a great day... and he's not spoiled at all (ok... maybe just a little!)

Kayla's Bachelorette Party!

On Friday night some of us girls went out to celebrate one of my sisters last nights of singleness... We ate at Nagasaki and then took Kayla back to a friends house for embarrassment and fun... along with a cheese movie! Congrats Sis... your day is coming up quick!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why not...???

Thanks to Andrea and Emily I was inspired to fill this out myself... check out their blogs for their own lists... ( and )

i am: future wife, daycare worker, friend, daughter, sister (take your pick!)
i think: about everything
i know: I'm loved
i want: a new digital camera (not the crapy old one I have)
i have: more than I need
i wish: I knew where I would be living after October 11
i despise: bad parenting
i miss: all the people I love in Campbellsville
i feel: somewhat alone
i hear: my ceiling fan running, the tv downstairs, and mom scraping a pan
i smell: the meatballs mom is making for Kayla's wedding
i crave: those same meatballs... they are so good but we are forbidden to eat them
i search: for answers daily
i wonder: what my future holds
i regret: not investing time in those that I have come in contact with
i love: Garrett Gilkey
i ache: for time with my other half
i care: that others hurt
i usually: have a clean room
i am not: a lover of sports (but because of Garrett I'm getting a little better)
i believe: everything will be ok
i dance: whenever I can (mostly alone in the shower or car!)
i sing: at the top of my lungs
i cry: all the time
i don't always: think about how I feel
i write: when I have something to say
i win: Phase 10 sometimes
i never: purposely try new things
i listen: to everything you say
i can usually be found: in the daycare (or my room)
i am scared: I may never have children
i am happy about: getting married in a few months

Monday, June 9, 2008

Wedding Gifts!!!

A Big Thanks Goes out to Mom and Memom!!! Pictured are the things... though its still early... that we have already received! Picture one... is from Memom with the brown w/circles shower curtain, note cards with monogram and my name (wedding colors by the way), as well as a Fiesta serving bowl and salt and pepper shakers... the Fiesta colors are peacock blue and sunflower yellow... which are the colors that we are going for! Thanks.
In the second picture... from mom! We can find a photo album for the Honeymoon that are close to being wedding colors... and a can opener and pan scrapers from Pampered Chef... which i Love! Thanks again!
Though these are only a few things... its still exciting to think about the wedding... and most importantly married life... I cant wait to be Mrs. Garrett Gilkey!

Cool Ideas...

On June 7 I attended a wedding for my good friend and neighbor Tiffany... there I got some ideas of what I would like to do and what possibly not to do as well! Her wedding was absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see pictures! It was Tiffany themed with Tiffany Blue dresses and accents everywhere... lights hanging... fake diamonds sprinkled all around... the cake was white with small blue Tiffany box-looking cakes at its base... and the grooms cake looked like a little tux shirt! So cute... they were also kid friendly with a place for kids snacks... and in another corner a CANDY BAR! All of the candy was Tiffany Blue and White... this blue just happens to be the same color of blue that David's Bridal calls Pool... which is my color... great ideas Tiff!

Shown in the picture are the wedding program... a sample napkin... a Tiffany's box favor with a thing of soap that also looks like a Tiffany's box... and bag of candy from the candy bar which includes... blue and white m&ms, blue and white rock candy, and blue and white jelly belly's... the candy bar also had blue and white swirl candy sticks and lollipops... fun! And you could take what you wanted! Great wedding Tiffany... it was very enjoyable... not to mention getting to watch the bride and groom do fun dances together along with their wedding party!

May the planning continue...

Alrighty... I would say let the planning begin but as most of you know I already have started... Here is a picture (sorry for the blurriness) of my wedding planner, two giant books of invitation samples, ring bearer pillow, and two flower girl baskets... this is just a sample of what planning has already been done. I'm thinking about getting a cake from a place in Owensboro called Laval's if anyone knows about this place please let me in on your knowledge! We got the flower girl dresses yesterday because they are in my sister's wedding as well... with pool sashes... and I also was able to order pool sashes for all of the bridesmaids to go with their truffle dresses (which my sister ordered yesterday as well!)... ... As exciting as it is to get this stuff... I must also add that I have been very disappointed in the services I have received from all David's Bridal's more on that at a later date though...

It really is wedding time... here are a list of the people that I know so far that have gotten married since I graduated... and the list will only get longer... Congrats to:
May 10 - Darrick and Kat Holloman
May 17 - Emily and Dusty Snyder... Crystal and Jordan Floyd... and... Chris and Sarah Adkins
May 24 - Mandy and Korey Oliver... Amber and Seth Moore
May 31 - Shawn and Amanda Greenwell
June 7 - Tiffany and Patrick Donahue... Kristen Caudill (this makes me a bad neighbor... I have no idea who you married!)

But like I said the list will go on!


I think I have an ear infection or just an ache! I woke up tossing and turning with a pounding in my ear about 3 am this morning... I took some advil and got some ear drops! You better believe nothing... is going to stop me from coming to see the people I love in Campbellsville this Friday! Just pray that i make it through work!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Choose... YOU!

In exactly... 126 days... or 4 months and 4 days... or 18 weeks... whichever you may prefer... this man will be my husband! This is one of my favorite pictures of Mr. Garrett Gilkey taken even before we were dating... I think it was this picture that I saw and thought I could really like this guy! And well... as all of you know by now I more than really like this guy... I love and adore this guy! Although the next months are going to be difficult given that I am in Morganfield and he is in Campbellsville until the big day arrives I know that it will be all worth it in the end right!?!? I mean... afterall... I do get to spend the REST of my life with this wonderful man. If you don't know him then you are truly missing out on a God given man... the one that makes me laugh and is there for me when I cry. I miss you terribly Garrett Gilkey and I long for the day that I will be your wife! I love you and can't wait to see you again!

Missing Cville...

Well this is going on my fourth week at home I think and here are four people that I miss the most from Campbellsville! I got the privilege of getting to talk to them through ichat the other night which was great and helped me to miss them a slight bit less... but it doesn't trump getting to see them in person! Can't wait until next weekend when I get to come visit you all! Love you and miss you!

Outrigger Island!

On Outrigger Island we live God's Unshakeable Truth... well this past week I taught 4 year olds at our VBS... you gotta love VBS! The songs always... always get stuck in your head! It was a pretty alright week... I have no desire to relive it though! I'm exhausted and now know that I am in no way ready for children any time soon. I did learn that this week... being around tons of kids works as well as birth control! Hope you enjoy your vbs week if you should be so lucky as to have one! ;)

Congrats Tiffany and Patrick!

So... my neighbor is getting married today... Tiffany a girl I can remember for the longest time next to my bff Janna! Most of my summers were spent playing outside or swimming with Tiffany! As of 6 o'clock tonight she will no longer be Tiffany Farthing... She will be Tiffany Donahue! Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Donahue!!!

Welcome Back to Morganfield... Take 2!

Alright here we go again...
You know that you're from the country when you have to travel back roads to get anywhere!
You know that you're from the country when you see Amish Crossing Signs alongside the Deer Crossing signs
You know you're from the country when you pass a truck that has "Chicks Dig It" plastered across the front windshield...
You know you're from the country when a glass of sweet tea brightens your day... and we have to make sweet tea more than once a day around here.
You know you're from the country when you can not avoid a country accent at any point during the day... seriously what are these people saying!?!?

So Long... from the M-field!