Monday, June 9, 2008

Wedding Gifts!!!

A Big Thanks Goes out to Mom and Memom!!! Pictured are the things... though its still early... that we have already received! Picture one... is from Memom with the brown w/circles shower curtain, note cards with monogram and my name (wedding colors by the way), as well as a Fiesta serving bowl and salt and pepper shakers... the Fiesta colors are peacock blue and sunflower yellow... which are the colors that we are going for! Thanks.
In the second picture... from mom! We can find a photo album for the Honeymoon that are close to being wedding colors... and a can opener and pan scrapers from Pampered Chef... which i Love! Thanks again!
Though these are only a few things... its still exciting to think about the wedding... and most importantly married life... I cant wait to be Mrs. Garrett Gilkey!

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